
This question has to do with extracting a midi bass track from BB.
First I forced the track to midi so I know it is midi.

I imported the midi file to Sonar Platinum and placed it in a midi track. I used a vst called SI Bass guitar to play it out. SI bass comes standard with Sonar.

Some of the notes in the midi file are below the range the vst can play out. What is up with that? This is more a Sonar question than BB but Matt said he uses Sonar Platinum also so perhaps he can put me on track.

I inserted a midi plunin and transposed the notes up plus 12 and of course it will play out.

I think the term for me is "Mididiot" because I have more issues with midi than anything else.

Another question, are the midi files in BB general midi or midi 2 or something else.

Help...drowning on dry land....lol


New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo