It's about the song. If you make it about the drums you are no longer a team player in my mind. Especially if it is intentional and not because you don't know better.

smile you asked!

Yeah, those were rhetorical questions. BUT sometimes you, or at least I, get caught up in doing "cool" instead of what it needs. At that point, I step back and ask those questions as a reminder to myself. It gives me the bigger picture!

I will listen to the examples given today, although I already know some of them. I'm actually well aware of drumming and am a decent enough drummer. I hope that doesn't come across as big headed. There are PLENTY of drummers that make me look like I'm on day one!

That being said, I have always been hired for a live presence and asked to push the envelope a bit to give music an edge. The studio side is a different bea(s)t to be sure.

I totally agree the the worst offenders are the lead guitarists and drummers! I think that's why I am aware of it.

There seems to be a fine line between "do your own thing, forget about what others think" and "to be commercially successful..."

I'm just trying to navigate those waters.

It may be a way too technical approach, but I have actually been studying songs in the genre, with the same type of feel, and emotion and gauging how many fills I hear. It is giving me a ballpark of where to be. If I have twice as many fills in the same type of song...check myself. If I don't have a single fill...check myself. ha! I'm exaggerating here for effect, but I feel it's great to study what is already successful for clues.

From there...I am able to apply that to my own playing, and focus on just being me from there! Now watered down me, just "aware" me. Playing what's needed for the occasion.

Thanks for the help. I may post an example soon, but I'm pretty early into the process yet. I know you can't please everyone, and opinions very wink

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.