Well, I know exactly one guy who uses TAXI, the aforementioned Steve Guiles, and TAXI has gotten him placement in several TV shows and commercials.

If he is writing hundreds of a songs a year, and he has been with them for years and has gotten "several" placements...


Steve is still employed as a middle school teacher - that's his main paying gig.

Enough said.

To say that once TAXI gets you a placement, that it eliminates the need for the service itself because you have a relationship with the end client, that isn't necessarily true. These clients have access to thousands upon thousands of songs as source material and what you were able to provide to fit the mood of a shot of a certain commercial does not mean that you are now going to be employed forever by that client.

You are misunderstanding that statement. It's saying that you no longer need taxi for THAT client. Why would you? Are you under the impression these end line clients use taxi exclusively?

Anyways, Steve has had pretty decent success with Taxi, and now he's known by Taxi and they consider him a go-to guy for simple straight up pop stuff.

If he is a "go to guy", I would assume he's not the only person who is decent at what he does. They would have a roster of great writers for their clients. I just really haven't at all heard that to be the case.

Again, I may be wrong. I'm just giving my opinion of what I've seen. Perhaps you have seen much more than I have.

I think Herb about summed it up for me. He made some GREAT points...again in my opinion.

Last edited by HearToLearn; 09/10/15 01:53 PM.

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.