Originally Posted By: c_fogle
Strong imagery in the lyrics and you created the right music that match and build on the emotion the words convey. I thought your vocals sounded ok but I know too well the feeling that I have when I'm not satisfied with how my phrasing and voice sounds in a song so I feel for you. You'll get it. Probably sooner than later. ;=)


Hi Charlie. Thanks for this. I think this one will definitely get some rework. I think you are right when we know instinctively that the vocal could be better. As said though, I don't know what is going on in my head because the dipthongs have never bothered me before. I dont know whether it s a good or bad sign! I guess instead of being depressed about my voice I should just thank my lucky stars for it....maybe I need to give it a bit of a break!

Originally Posted By: gibson
I had 2 tabs open and I was poised to write here when I was blown away by the hard rock intro and thought SHE'S CRACKED so I sped to the other tab and saw it was an advert for perfume stuff. Phew....so I pressed play and all returned to normal. My poor heart grin grin (First play of a song with a video is always without looking at the video so I get a feel for the song)

I think the way I am singing the third last line is one of the things that is irritating me about the song so I will mess about with it when I rerecord.

I sang that 3rd from last line with you laugh and thought substitute "let them" for a mmmm. So's the line goes "mmmm ha-ave their space". Maybe with some Josie C harmonies to emphasise and to be the "main vocal".

enjoyed as usual, I do like your voice!


He cried for lost humanity

Ha ha! Alyn that is classic! I did some harmonies...but in my state of mind I didn't think they were much good so turned them right down so you can hardly hear them. Maybe when I get back from my trip my head will be in a better state!

Originally Posted By: floyd jane

You put a lot of energy in this - you sing it like you mean it. (and I thought the vocal was fine).

Nice instrumentation.


AH, Floyd, thanks so much. If you think the vocal is fine that says a lot
Originally Posted By: mwgilbert
I can't comment on issues of vocal performance but I like the song, and again find your work speaking for animals that cannot speak very touching.

You could try:
A helicopter in the sky --> A searching plane up in the sky

Someday you will have worked through to your satisfaction an album's worth of animal advocacy songs, that will reach people emotionally rather then pedantically or preachy, and it will be something to share with many more people.

Hi MWG. Thanks for the suggestion. I am just a bit worried that they wouldn't actually conduct a hunt from a plane. I was asked to write this song for a wildlife park. I do hope it is not too preachy. Am still trying to get the album of rhino songs on the go.

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