Wow! Great testimonial! Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us George!

I think it's interesting that a testimonial differs from an ad because an ad describes a product's features, whereas a testimonial talks about how those features are used.

Since the features of BIAB ad RB can be used in so many different ways, I've really been enjoying the various success stories. People are using the same product I have in ways that might not have crossed my mind otherwise.

And the fact that its a product that fits easily into every aspect of a musician's existence... song writing, music instruction, practice, performance etc etc really sets the stage for a variety of unique testimonials.

And that's exactly what we've gotten... no two people who have made testimonials are using BIAB in exactly the same way. But one common theme in the stories is that all of us are empowered by BIAB to pursue some aspect of our musical dream that would have been left undeveloped without BIAB.
