Originally Posted By: jazzmandan
That there some hot guitar pickin....
Cheers, thank you Dan!

Originally Posted By: c_fogle
Great testimonial. I recall This gentleman from back when I first began using BIAB. I believe, and if I'm not mistaken, that he essentially locked himself away and dedicated several months intensely learning guitar. He was very inspirational and also a major influence on my decision to purchase BIAB.
Cheers and thank you! 'Locked' away! LOL! Not quite, but certainly doing some wood-shedding for months. I am pretty sure some of those initial threads still exist.

Great that I could inspire you or influence you to move forward in any capacity, that is a nice thing to say and hear! I always like to remind myself (and my friends) when I get stuck or down on myself for any perceived lack of progress I am experiencing, that someone, somewhere is looking at us thinking, 'it would be great to be where that person is'. All of us are inspiring to somebody at some level.

Originally Posted By: VideoTrack
Knockout testimonial. Great guitar licks, awesome delivery.

Thank you VT, appreciate the reply and compliments! Sincerely! It is an easy program to get inspired about! Glad I was able to keep 'near' 10 minutes, LOL.
