We all have our particular recording protocols that work for us.

For me...I've always recorded individual tracks to about -12db...give or take a couple....and I've never had any level issues at any stage.
Therefore, I see no benefit in recording at a higher input level.

Back in 2010 I'd sent (3) of my tunes to be mastered at Buffalo Sound (now called the The Ranch I think).
He said to send all raw tracks at -12db.
(He also added lead axe and B3 tracks which was very cool)

Most of us are in the digital realm so noise should not be a big issue as far as recording levels.
So...that recommended level (-12db) has more to do with the head room comfort necessary with summing of all tracks along with FX/signal processing at the stereo mix.

If you're using tape, different story, then as close to 0db is best but you can even push that level in the tape realm without issues.

If the end result has been achieved regardless of the path chosen all is well.

That's my take on it.
Carry on....

Last edited by chulaivet1966; 09/20/15 04:40 PM.