This is a very interesting thread.

And probably leads onto the discussion of how much natural musical ability we each may have or not.

To be honest after going to a good few guitar classes when younger I am of the view that there are a lot less natural gifted musicians out there than we think, most people get there through a hard slog of countless hours of practice, the gifted one have to do that too of course to get to know their instruments too as regards fingering etc.

Maybe even is it a good test of a persons natural musical ability if they can pick out a song by ear within a very short time and know and able to get an interval test right.

Oh you get the people who say all you need to do in the above is practice practice and of course a person can get better at recognising intervals and other tests, but the ones with the natural musical ability will be that far ahead with a lot less effort.

I don't think a lot of hobbyist musicians would admit to NOT being able to do the above, human nature as it is, very few will admit it even on a forum.

Personally I don't think I have any great natural musical ability, just have put a little effort (not enough) into trying to get some enjoyment out of making music, and would fail the above tests.

I think as well its possible to have a musician who is lets say a very good sight reader and plays the piano or other instrument well, who has got there with lots of practice, but at the end of the day maybe doesn't have a great deal of natural musical ability.

And it probably doesn't really matter at the end of the day anyways (unless we want to make a living out of making music) whether we have a great deal of natural music ability or not, as long as we enjoy succeeding or trying to make and play music.


Last edited by musiclover; 10/09/15 01:10 AM.


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Windows 10 (64bit) M-Audio Fast Track Pro, Band in a Box 2024, Cubase 13, Cakewalk and far too many VST plugins that I probably don't need or will ever use smile