I want a web site that I can talk to so I don't have to read or write.

I sorta know how to read and write but don't enjoy it too much.

Oh, and I sorta kinda know how to read and write music but it is more fun to just play, well until I need to read and write, then I just grin and do the work...sorry for the four letter word...work...lol

Re: Playing By Ear Versus Sight Reading....this is actually not a contest...us versus them...there is plenty of room for those who do and those who don't and those who do both.

This would be a fairly mundane world if we were all the same. I like to be supportive of everyone to the extent that I can. Some days I do a better job of that than others. And yes, I can walk on water, but only when I fall off the skis and the boat is going really fast and not for very long...lollol



New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo