Alyn,I don't understand how your 'accident' could even have happened. Only one window can have focus at one time, so I can't see how the same song could play in time (or close to it). Was the song frozen? Is there an audio track with the same name?

I too do not understand how this happened hence my saying "it worked by accident so maybe it could work by design".

None of the tracks on either instance were frozen and there is no audio track with the same name. The song in focus was named "myname.mgx" and the "out of focus" was called myname2.mgx but hadn't been saved for a while. I had the original BIAB file from last century in the sequencer tracks hence the extension. Both saved in a folder called "myname 2015", on an external 1 tb usb drive. BIAB is fully installed on my 1/2 tb C drive running XP.
I had 2 instances of BIAB open and one instance of Cubase, mme for the BIABs and asio for Cubase and I work like this most of the time except usually just one instance of BIAB. All midi in BIAB is played by the standard built in driver
I have used BIAB since Atari days and was just as amazed as you are, Matt.
I cannot replicate it though.

Another of life's great mysteries.
