Is there really such a thing as "over-produced music"?

There probably is.... but more likely I think, from the amateurs who try to cram every production chop/technique/trick they've ever heard into a simple song that doesn't need it.

Most of the pro stuff is like.... if it's there, it's probably there for a specific reason. Although, not all reasons are equally valid and much depends on the listener too.

Agreed. But if you don't include that statement, someone always comes back and says "see, that's over-produced. I like a harmonica and a singer. That's it!" wink

The next question to ask is... do I really want to expound on this topic? and the answer to that is, nope.... I have things to get done today.

Ha! I can so relate to that! There are way too many posts I could, or would like to reply to but simply don't have the time. They do interest me though.

Suffice it to say that my personal philosophy regarding music and it's production, is generally, "Less is More". Keep it simple and only use something, be it an instrument, a harmony, an effect, or some other production technique if it adds to the music and makes it better. Don't do something just because you can.

Again, I so agree. Add it if it serves the song, not the ego.

I was listening to Depeche Mode and feel they do so much to keep your ear interested...probably because there wouldn't be much to their songs otherwise. So I feel their songs need it to be anything.

I was also listening to Tom Petty. Also VERY produced...in a TOTALLY different way. That production approach is "what is the grove and mood?" It's also very deliberate from a production standpoint, but it's the exact opposite of DM. Tom Petty tries to take OUT anything that doesn't serve the song!

One only ADDS if it serves the song. They other takes OUT anything that doesn't serve it.

I found that really interesting.

Thanks for the reply. I was actually hoping you would...and even expand on what you said a bit, but I respect your time. I pick up on what you mean from many of your other posts.

Thanks again!

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.