Pat Re PM "A Father chastens the Son he Loves" eg: Realband,

true, but the father doesn't abandon the son when he isn't pleased by his behaviour.

I respect those words of wisdom... here is another wise quote that may be applicable in this situation:

"A large ship travelling at full speed takes time and distance to turn around"

People have been asking for the ability to paste whole pages of lyrics at once for years. Some gave up on the idea. It showed up in this version, and IMHO, in a form that is uniquely suited to the BIAB chord sheet paradigm.

I submit this question: Did PGMusic disrespect their customers by not introducing it the first time it was asked for? I for one am glad that they have a unique product and that they introduce features that enhance their proprietary vision.

My recommendation is to remain on the ship instead of jumping off because it takes longer than you expect to turn around.

Or not. Your call.

But I hope you stay because you do have great ideas. With a little patience, you might influence the ship's course.

I also quote Einstein but I'm not a theoretical physicist.
It's just wisdom.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

― Albert Einstein

I agree wholeheartedly! Imagination conjures up the idea long before there is knowledge to make it happen. Which is exactly why a little patience is in order here.