A little more information about your setup would help tremendously. For instance what DAW are you using? - I am using Magix Samplitude 2014 & 2016.

Do you have any kind of MIDI controller such as a guitar or keyboard MIDI controller? - Yes I have an M-audio Axiom 61.

What is your audio interface (sound card) and are your drivers for it ASIO or MME? - My audio interface is a Focusrite Safire Pro 40 running ASIO 64 bit.

Most of the time you will need ASIO drivers to eliminate latency. Are you using a 64 bit or a 32 bit OS? The more information you can provide the easier it will be to give the correct advise.

- So from what you are saying it seems, that I can type in the Piano roll the corresponding KB notes I want to play at the time in the song I want them to be played? That seems to be what I got out of what you said…
- Is this in BB, the DAW or Kontakt?
