Originally Posted By: solidrock
The only thing that is modern is the new splash screen in BB, no more EGA graphics WOW ! the rest is still DOS, a mindset still there from the DOS Days at the Helm. Come on PG You are out of touch, hand it over to the young people from the new tech industry, LET GO ! bring the new blood in.

Solidrock, I understand your frustration. Your points are all completely valid. I honestly cannot imagine having to use RB as my DAW! Not saying that to be mean. I am just waaaay more demanding in the software I use and could never settle for all the warts RB has. Every time I try to use it I am reminded of this. Even little things like load times and smoothness (or lack thereof) in the controls. The clunky Windows 95 interface. And on and on.

But, I think what I have come to terms with is this...RealBand is not for me! Plain and simple. There are far better DAWs available for free and at very low cost. If it were not for the single feature of generating RealTracks bar-by-bar (which I have yet to completely figure out) I would not even install it on my system!

Band in a Box is where the magic is. Or, rather, the engine of BIAB is where the magic is. The BIAB interface has the same issues as the RB interface!

So I guess I'd advise you to maybe accept the limitations and develop work-arounds as many others have. Because, at the end of the day, the music I am able to make using RealTracks is nothing short of AMAZING!! And, after demoing the new RealTracks, I am just dying to send PG my upgrade money!! And the truth is, even if they never fix RB or the BIAB interface, as long as they are delivering such amazing stuff under the hood I will continue to upgrade!

And I will repeat my suggestion to PG you mentioned...

BIAB is GREAT! RB, well you know how I feel about that! But where your real magic lives is in your RealTracks and the engine that generates music along with your back-end process that turns top-notch studio playing into RealTracks.

If you were to create a VST/VSTi version of RealTracks with the same available library and the ability to generate bar-by-bar you have forever changed the music business and would guarantee your future success and place in the history of music innovation!