HI Reece ...

we have a grandchild with a mild form of autism. We surely can relate to this song. The tracks are well-mixed and the balance is just right. Loved the strong vocals and the message, as well.

As far as the discussion on the appropriateness, this is our position:

People who have been dedicated members of the site and have been kind enough offered help and support to others regarding BIAB issues have earned the right to post here, regardless. But, that's just our take ... certainly not official from the PG Music folks.

What we do, if we've created song with a different software ... and we occasionally do ... we just add at least one BIAB track, usually strings, organ or something similar. It can be very soft or up front. For us, that removes any question of the song's validity on the forum. In a few days, we are going to post a Christmas instrumental we wrote on other software, then finished it out with BIAB strings.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas ...

Alan & Di

BIAB 2024 Ultra Plus-all StylePaks*Win11*16GB DDR5*Rhyzen 9745x*AT 2035 Mic*Peavey Nashville 112 Amp*Ibanez ART120* Acoustic/Electric/Washburn D200S Acoustic*Stromberg Monterey Jazz Guitar

Loops: https://aldavidmusic.wixsite.com/bestmusicloops