Originally Posted By: lambada
Thanks Rharv. My setup is pretty simple, so Realband may be the way to go. Just don't fancy another learning curve. Actually, It's me who's ended up in the wrong forum eek

+1 to everything RHARV said.

If you are comfortable with BIAB, continue using it to create your songs. Then open them in RB and save as a SEQ file. Add your MIDI control stuff (works pretty much the same way in RB as in BIAB, so no major learning curve) and you're ready to rock.

One reason why I prefer using RB live instead of BIAB:
BIAB is dynamic, imitating the variations introduced by real musicians in a real performance. Stuff changes.. and that throws me for a loop. I like everything to stay where I put it.

RB keeps the edits I make and doesn't regenerate them. It also allows the addition of more tracks than BIAB allows, and most of my projects use more tracks than BIAB allows.

Both BIAB and RB will do what you want. In the end it boils down to your personal preference and comfort level with each.