Originally Posted By: ulrichburke
What's the purpose - and there had to be one originally - of having twice as many channels as outs? Why isn't it 16 outs so you got one per channel?

So for most purposes, eight outs is plenty. The fact that it happens to be half of sixteen is probably only related to it being a power of two, as are most computer-based numbers.

If you're using the SFz+ player within a DAW, you'll generally put a different instance of the player on each track. Most DAWs give the option on splitting a MIDI file into multiple tracks.

It's a lot simpler than routing the MIDI track outs to other tracks to apply effects - it's easy to lose track of things. Plus, it's simpler to edit the MIDI data if it's split out.

I use the rcg:audio sfz player in my DAW, but you've got to set the MODE to DFD to load large sample sets.

I also rather like the sforzando player. The sfz format is a bit easier to understand than the sf (SoundFont) format. It's plain text, which is nice. I've ported a slew of instruments from different formats over to the sfz format, and use it to play my EWI on an old netbook.

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?