
1. It always pays to install new versions straight over the top of previous versions. This way, you'll get to keep all the material that you might have collected on bonus paks from previous years. This material is not always made available again in the future.

2. On the USB drive, there's a setup program. That needs to be run. You get to choose what you want to install to your computer's internal hard drive.

* The program can be run entirely from USB
* The program can be run from your computer but Realtracks and Realdrums are kept on the USB
* Everything can be run from your computer (this is the option I prefer)

(As indicated above, I simply install everything over the top of the previous version and run all the wma Realtracks and Realdrums from my hard drive.)

3. Once you make a decision how to install, simply choose and wait for it to happen. A full install on your computer's hard drive will take around 1 hour.

Hope this information helps.

Audiophile BIAB 2024