Originally Posted By: acceleratorhams
Hi Guys,

Can anyone suggest any quality mastering software/plugins?

I'm looking for something which is fairly easy to use and a good fit for ReadBand/BIAB.

Many thanks


The most salient point IMO was made by Matt:

“Have you tried the plugins that come with PG Music products? Limiters, compressors and equalizers can get you a long way. You should first experiment with what you already have, and get the hang of using plugins and concepts of mastering.”

Ozone is great, but it has a tendency to suck all of the dynamics out of a mix if overused. (And a lot of people overuse it, myself included grin ). Real Tracks are already compressed at the time they were recorded (SOP), and adding more limiting and compression can reduce your headroom considerably.

Try some judicious EQ, limiting and compression on the Master Buss, and you might find you have a brighter, cleaner mix.

