johnjohnjohn " get the whole thing converted to a VSTi that I can use in my DAW!"
that could not be hard to do as realband\data\bbw2.exe generates up the tracks then lays them in real band that is a daw - initializing accompaniment functions is starting bbw2.exe up that appears to be much the same as bb\bbw.exe band in a box.

videotrack "Object Pascal is anything but a dated language"
is delphi the best to be using for this ? I just wonder why the other daw applications are using c++ and not delphi - is it the personal choice of the person programming since the 90's or is there a reason why c++ could not work for them ? is delphi easier than c++ ? there is a big forum somewhere on band in a box 64 where people are wanting a new interface rather than the dated one would delphi do this ok ? if so why is it not there yet as requested by many but the interface on the ones listed above using c++ are very modern.