Just addressing a few points I feel need further clarification.

Regarding your nits and crits...Since there is no compression on the bass it's interesting that you "hear it".

Please read what I said again....

On this playback system the drums and bass were lacking a bit. So I fired up the lappy and used cans..... not much difference actually. Wondering about the compression levels on this since when the drums and bass does come in, you can hear it's there but it really doesn't make a big difference in the levels.

I didn't say I could hear the compression.... I said the bass and drums didn't make much of a substantial difference when they came in regarding the overall energy levels of the song and that I was wondering about the compression levels referring to the compression on the entire song. And please note the first four words.... "On this playback system" Also, and I do understand this, some of the PG real tracks are already compressed and there's nothing we can do to uncompress them. Gotta use what we have and make do.

It's always good to get out of our self-imposed boxes and write stuff that we're not really 100% up to speed on or comfortable with. That's the kind of experience that helps us grow as writers and musicians. So.. kudo's on doing that with this song.

I used the word OUR not YOUR.... meaning all of us and used those same plural group words in the rest of the comment.... our, we're, us. Then I complimented you on having done that very thing, getting out of the box so to speak. That's the problem with words.... so easily misunderstood.

Good song ... carry on. Taking the advice from the title of your song.... None of it matters.... wink

The Green Day Basket Case song is good.... loved the bass and drums in that song.... especially on the cans. Really fat and huge sounding bottom end.

Last edited by Guitarhacker; 01/26/16 03:52 AM.

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You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.