Song Number 2
Be Brave


I have just come back from a week visiting my mum in Zimbabwe for her 81st birthday. I managed to write and record three songs while I was there so got a good start for FAWM. So this is song number 2. I often think about those tiny little tots who walk to school. Miles and miles they traipse through all sorts of weather. So this is the conversation I imagine between a parent and his 6 year old son before he sets off on this mammoth walk in the morning.

Its time to rise
on this september morning
it is 6 am
the day is nearly dawning

The sun is poised
The cockeral crows
The early light is careless

Be brave my little man, be brave
bE brave my little man

You'll walk the road
a blanket spread before you
Trees keeping guard
Like sentries there beside you

Your shadow thrown
like scars behind
To trace your every footstep

Be brave my little man, be brave
bE brave my little man

Through hail and wind
Through 'nclement weather struggling
Just walk right on
like a drum your feet are marching

if you should fall
Rise up with grace
and walk like nothing happened

Be brave my little man, be brave
bE brave my little man

hot cold
dark light
to its end
just like life

Be brave my little man, be brave
Be brave my little man

Real Tracks
RealTracks in style: ~537:Bass, Acoustic, Pop Sw 165
RealTracks in style: 616:Mandolin, Rhythm Bouncy Sw 165
RealTracks in style: ~812:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Western Swing Sw 165
RealTracks in style: ~373:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Hank Sw 165
RealDrums in Song: Nashville2BeatSw8^01-a:Sidestick , b:Snare, Ride

LyricLab A.I assisted chords and lyric app. Export lyrics and import directly into Band-in-a-Box 2024.
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