Re: Song Number 2 - Be Brave

Nice sound on this - good mix, nicely recorded vocals, good instrumentation. Nice lead.

I agree with Charlie on each of his points. If you come back to these later, easy fixes....

for instance, you might try "the world" instead of "a blanket"

"Your shadow thrown... like scars behind" is a cool phrase (line) but seems "out of place" for a small boy (scars)" - you can likely find another word or image that would work as well..

"The early light is careless" - also a cool image, but I am not sure it fits with the other parts there - try... "The early light, relentless"

Just ideas, of course... you did ask for "feedback on the songwriting"...

(that being said, there are times when a writer should say "I like 'scars' there!" and go with your gut. Rules are never absolute - regardless of what some would have you believe...)

I like the song - it is a very interesting write - you're doing great...
