Originally Posted By: JosieC
Noel. Thank you SO SO much for taking the time to post this. I think everyone can and will benefit from the detailed thinking that you have laid out for us. Love the bit about having her guitar handy at the door! That is classic!. Very funny.

I can see how the perspective of the song would be a bit confusing!

I think the chorus is what makes it confusing with the use of the pronoun "You". The song is not really trying to talk to the "boys" (nor is it trying to talk to the girls for that matter). It is actually talking to the "parents". It is saying we (as parents) need to teach our daughters that there are different kinds of men and to teach her to distinguish between the ones who "lust" after her and the ones that "love" her, ones that are careful (not careless..etc).

Then once we've taught our daughters that, then we need to teach our sons to be that "different type of man" (one that treats her like a princess etc). I think the song will work if I reword the chorus to exclude the "you" to somehow say "there are men who will treat a woman like a princess....etc

Ahhh... thank you for the insight. I'm glad my ideas were potentially useful.

Happy writing.... you're doing a great job so far!


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