Originally Posted By: Don Gaynor

I won't presume to critique you, you are light-years beyond my songwriter skills.

Perhaps I listen first to the music and then to the story-line. To my ear, your chord progression is too similar between songs. On #1, a musical phrase jumped at me that reminded me too much like another of your earlier songs.

Having an immediately identifiable "signature" is something that will fall into place later. Meanwhile, it's a distraction.

I hope I'm articulating properly without offending. My observation wouldn't amount to a hair on a freckle on a frog's wart.

You go girl!


Thank you So much Don. I appreciate the feedback. After the first few songs they all start sounding the same! I start singing a song and I go "wait a minute, I've already written this. I wrote it yesterday!". As an aside, apparently Paul McCartney thought he had already written "Yesterday". I think it comes from writing them all so close together! I am going to try writing some more acoustic stuff next, just with my guitar, so hopefully that will have some different influences!

Originally Posted By: Noel96

Ahhh... thank you for the insight. I'm glad my ideas were potentially useful.

Happy writing.... you're doing a great job so far!


Thank you Noel. I have taken careful notes for when I get round to the rewrites.

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