Originally Posted By: Pat Marr
well, I thought I commented on this when you first posted it, but I don't see the evidence, so here goes again...

Happy birthday a couple of weeks late to two really amazing people who also happen to be amazing song writers. One advantage of membership in a forum like this is the ability of commoners like me to form friendships with heavy hitters like everybody who was involved in this project!

On one level, the song was a bit hard to listen to because the woman in the song sounds like my son's ex wife who still manages to influence his life unfavorably long after their separation. What is it that makes us long for the people and things that are most likely to hurt us?

Anyway.. I especially liked the line about "box of crazy" because it fits the story within the story, if you catch my drift.

Lots of great cooperation in this project, with Janice doing what she does so well, Tommy playing a guitar line that perfectly fits the song, and Floyd weaving a story garment that seems to fit everybody. As usual.

One thing I like about this groups collaborations is that they are always so clean and functional, with nobody trying to outdo anybody else... team players cranking out good stuff consistently.

Hats off to Floyd, Tom and Janice! As always, I am impressed!

Pat - I do hope you are well and happy. Always enjoy reading your thoughts on a song.... Unfortunate that this one had to hit so close to home. Appreciate you droppin' by for a bit...