Originally Posted By: 44kfl
Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
Kenny, nice image filled write, vocal and production. I like that
held bass -- something I did every now and then during my
bluegrass years.

It is a very well done story song that has it all. Vivid imagery,
sparse but effective backing tracks and a heartfelt vocal.

We like it!


PS FWIW, for decades I have researched, lectured, written
and appeared in educational TV productions about Sherman's
time in our area. I live in the antebellum capital of GA.
Elements of the 14th Corps camped all around our property.

Hey Bud and Janice,
You might have noticed that the song was written in 2012, I dug it out and kinda thought of you Bud and my Georgia roots, if you remember we touched on it briefly after I posted Macon Lights that I mentioned that my Dad was from there and I was born there and lived in GA. until my teens. I've always been kind of a history buff and this idea of what happened just a couple of generations before mine right here to civilians authorized by the American government to break the backbone of the South just felt very natural for me to write about. So, I dusted off an old piano arrangement and gave it a new better set of clothes to wear. I was very looking forward to your comments and I am not disappointed. If you guys ever come up to PA, would love to take you on Gettysburg tour.

We've visited battlefields from Vicksburg to Petersburg but have not been to Gettysburg. I know it is a powerful experience. Hope we can make it up that way some time and take you up on the tour.