I agree with John.
Here's another example.
I decided to look for a style to use for "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" (the Izzy K. version). I type that (without quotes) into the "familiar song title" box, no other filters except "Include Similar" and click the Enter button onscreen. I get 3 returns:

- Somewhere Over The Rainbow [Judy Garland] [Lite Pop] [Orchestral][4/4 sw8 90]

- Somewhere Over The Rainbow [Tommy Emmanuel] [Ballad] [Acoustic Guitar Ballad][4/4 ev16 85]

- Somewhere Over The Rainbow/What A Wonderful World [Israel "Iz" Kamakawiwo'ole] [Lite Pop] [Tropical][4/4 ev16 85]

So far, so good. The third one is the one I'm after.
Now what do I do? The style list returned 3460 styles (out of my 4648 list), with the first on the list being _SPTRIO1 which has a time signature of 12/8, plus sw8 and 85 and the Genre is Soul.

That doesn't match ANY of the returns I got.
It DID set the Filters to be Lite Pop, 4/4, Sw8 and 90 which are the settings for the first return in my list.

How do I get it to set the filters for the THIRD choice in my list?
I decide to try clicking on it. Nothing happens.
I try double clicking on it.
The filter buttons change to Ev16, but the style list is now at 3477.
The top one on the list is _BUBLPOP, 4/4 Ev16 90, Genre Modern Pop.
Not what I'm after.

The first mention of a Lite Pop style in the list is the 3rd one _DRVBRIT Driving BritRock Guitars. Not what I'm after.

I don't know what else to try so I give up on the "Intelligent Style Suggestion" and revert to manual. Since I know that Izzy used a ukulele, I nuke the song title from the box and hit the Clear button and the Refresh button.

Now I go to the Filter String box and type in "uke" with no quotes. I get a list of 20 styles, including several with UKE in the name. I find that _UKES140 is very close to Izzy's style so I select that.

Someone please let me know if my "process" is faulty. I'll be happy to try something else more "intelligent" <grin>.