Tommy, This is AWESOME!! You've been holdin' out on us, you ol' snake!!

One of the main things that makes vocals great is some distinctive quality, and your voice is HIGHLY unique in a good way! This is just off the charts cool! From this day forth you are prohibited from posting songs that don't include your trademark vocals!

Not only does the addition of singing add a lot of coolness in terms of your voice, but it also introduces the craft of lyric writing, and I thought these lyrics were EXCELLENT! Just PERFECT for the song.. and your delivery of them was equally perfect! The places you chose to pause really set an anticipation in motion that added to the overall effect!

We need more like this, Tommy! Speaking as somebody who has been reluctant to take risks on the forum, I fully understand how hard it can be to put something new out there.. especially if it is on the edge of your comfort zone. But stretching the boundaries is the only way to grow, and by the sound of this, you ain't even CLOSE to the edges of your abilities yet!

THANK YOU for accepting my challenge! This is a real game changer move on your part, and I predict you will have a lot more fun with your songs now that you've started adding lyrics!