Originally Posted By: Pat Marr
Hi Peter!

I like what you've done with this! It's reminiscent of so many 60's and 70's songs that advise young men to live responsibly because they can't escape the long arm of the law... but in this case you've turned the tables on us and made it one of the laws of nature!
(The long arm of the law can be bribed, but nature always gets its pound of flesh)

Several people have commented on the retro sound and that it didn't have the signature sound of any one group.. to that I'd add that it reminded me of one of those compilation albums that were often the by-product of local battles of the bands... such albums typically had the best that each band had to offer, and all of the songs had a unique sound that was consistent with what the public wanted at that point, but which wasn't a direct ripoff of anyone else's style

I liked the way you spoke parts of the words ... it added significance to those passages, and gave it gravity (nature pun intended)

But most of all I liked that kick-@$$ guitar playing at the end! Not only skilful playing, but great use of effects too! (I'm assuming that's you playing, since I've heard so much praise for your guitar playing from others here on the forum)

In conclusion I liked everything about this! Great job!

Thanks for the detailed review - the guitar solo was mine - much appreciated.