Tommy, you are a real character! And you manage to translate that character directly into your songs!

There are all kinds of songs... anybody who plays live knows how hard it can be to create a set list that works for the largest demographic... so finding a demographic is a problem for all music

What you have here is probably not going to sell to prime time audiences.. but I think you could market the HECK outta this online! Your songs tend to be humorous, and I think that humor always has an audience!

My recommendation is to start making videos for your songs. They wouldn't have to be full-blown animations.. just a slide show of funny pictures (like the one you used on the song site) would really ramp up the entertainment factor!

As a musician, you know how to construct the song structure in BIAB... and you clearly know how to come up with clever concepts that can be developed lyrically... and your zany sense of humor lends itself to ideas that are outside the realm of stuff that has been done to the point of becoming cliche... so there is a high degree of originality to your work!

you really have a winning combination of unique talents, and I'd love to see you take it to the next level with video!

So glad to see you whole-heartedly pursuing your ideas here on the forum! I like what I'm seeing!