
There's no need to uninstall. Simply install over the top of your existing installation. It will take around an hour to install if you have the UltraPlusPak or EverythingPak.

If it was me, before installing, I would go to "Help | Utilities" and deactivate the installation. Once re-installed, I'd then reactivate it. (According to what I've read from PG Music, this shouldn't be necessary because the activation is computer sensitive and not installation sensitive. I haven't tried it though so I don't know.)

Hope this helps.


P.S. Choose a custom installation and deselect Amplitube and Sampletank. These won't need reinstalling a second time. This will speed things up a bit.

P.P.S. The reason why a simple copy from here to there won't work is because Realtracks require files other than just the Realtrack file.

Audiophile BIAB 2024