Originally Posted By: ROG

A user track is quite simply a piece of music. The PG "invention" is the software which slices and dices the music, though even part of this is licensed from Zplane. The two are completely separate and should not be confused. The software could just as easily slice and dice a Rachmaninoff piano concerto.

You can play back a realtrack in media player, because it's just music and as music it's within the sample users permitted use. Intent never comes into it.


A UserTrack is no more a piece of music than a single ST3 sample is a piece of music. Neither was intended to be played and listened to. Both were intended to be used as digital instruments in a new song.

So, based on the reasoning I am hearing here, it would be OK for PG to simply buy one license of SampleTank 3 and have their programmers spend the next few months converting all of the samples into UserTrack/RealTrack format. Since ST3 also has patterns they would not even need to do any playing! And then they would have a new product to sell? And IK would not object?

Or, let me make this even simpler. Based on what you are saying I could simply string together every sample in the ST3 library and call it a "music" file! Then I would be free to redistribute it as long as I also have my own software that can slice and dice it before serving it up to my customers to use in their songs.

Last edited by JohnJohnJohn; 04/25/16 12:32 PM.