Originally Posted By: Even If
After listening to everyone, I went back and revisited the mix . . .

I had never taken the breaths out so I expanded and figured I would do that before changing the sound . . .

When I did that, I saw the waveform up close (magnified about 10X) . . . top of waveform is flat when blown up which would hint that there was brickwall limiter . . . that is part of reason vocals are a lil brittle, some of the waveform is missing.

In my experience a Hard Limited wave does not change the tone of the sound. Overall the Vocal high end EQ is set to hot.

You can remove the breath sounds in RB expand the track, go to the breath and hi-light only the breath. (Hers seem to be mostly at the end of a word in a phrase.) Play the selected area, there is a button for that. If you have selected more than the breath, decrease the area until only the breath is selected. Delete with the delete key on your keyboard. Listen to the phrase and see if there are any pops or clicks before or after your deletion. If so undo the deletion and start over. It sounds like a lengthy task and it is, but, its worth time invested, usually there are 5 or 6 parts in everyone's vocal tracks that need to be cleaned up this way. Either the breath, teeth clicking, even lip smacking, and tongue noise. eek

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