Originally Posted By: bobcflatpicker
I was hoping you'd post an update for us. I just watched a short clip of Sierra Hull that she posted on Facebook yesterday just before going onstage for her 3:30 performance on the cabin stage.

Hopefully you were able to catch her show.

Hey Bob! I was hoping to hear from you!
Unfortunately, one of the drawbacks of volunteering is that it ties you to one area for 4 hours each day, and you miss whatever is happening on every other stage during that window! Sierra played while I was on duty. I also Missed Tommy Emmanuel... and they were two of the acts I most wanted to see!

I'm starting to suspect that all the volunteer spots anywhere near Watson stage are reserved for inner circle friends and family... and I'm not in that circle. My assignments tend to be the most peripheral stages where the people who barely made it to Merlefest are playing. But then, by the time you get invited to Merlefest, you're worth listening to! Upshot is that I'm missing the established stars, but getting to hear the rising stars

There was this little 12 year old girl named Emi Sunshine who blew me away! She has such confidence and power in her voice...