
If you open regedit (not to make changes to the registry, but to search, see if you have an entry as included images below:

In case you haven't done this before (forgive me if this is redundant_, CLICK the windows start button, enter regedit in the Search Programs and filed box at the bottom, then CLICK on the regedit.exe listed at the top. Click "Yes" in the resulting dialog.

Select Computer Computer at the very top so the search will be all inclusive. You may want to also at this point save a backup of the registry file. Select File/Export,provide a Save in path somewhere in your My Documents folder, give it name meaningful to you, leave the default Save as type to *.reg. This will take less than 20-30 seconds.

Then, in the Edit menu, CLICK Find, leave the defaults and enter PCA2. Let us know if you find the following (screen shots of my registry):

Attached Files (Click to download or enlarge) (Only available when you are logged in)
PCA2 Registry1.png (26.21 KB, 162 downloads)
PCA2 Registry2.png (30.4 KB, 162 downloads)