Well, I'm back, but not because I really want to be....

We had a great time at the lake.... our son in law's mom and dad and sister came up from Texas.... we get to catch up on lots of things and had a great time. We got there on Thursday and stayed through noon on Sunday.

On Saturday afternoon, we went to Liberty University to see my daughter get her Master's Degree after 4 years of hard work on her BA and the 2 more for the Master's..... and then we went out to eat and back to the lake. It cooled down on Saturday and Sunday so the water activities were a bit curtailed. We still had a large time.

Of course, I took Lilly, and she loved the lake and the kayak and running around in the woods and tall grass to play fetch.

We're back home.... took lots of naps yesterday and it's back to work for everyone today....

Here's a few pics....

Our Daughter

Lilly after a good workout

The lake house

Me and Lilly floating the boat

End of the day.... time to relax by the fire

There were lots of photo's taken but I'll spare you the tedium...

Last edited by Guitarhacker; 05/16/16 02:29 AM.

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.