Originally Posted By: Charlie Fogle
"Unfortunately my husband is getting tired of carrying the income..."

There's a recent article about Graham Cochran, founder of 'The Recording Revolution'. He lost his job in 2007 and started the web based Recording Revolution and now earns $75,000 USD per month!!! Destiny can be fleeting. You have to be vigilant and ready to grasp it when it comes.

Destiny comes into everyone's life at some point. It gets away from most because they are too busy living life they fail to see it or they lack confidence in themselves and fear to leap out and grasp it.

With music, you only have to get it right once to generate enough money to take care of yourself for life....

Hi Charlie. Wow! I guessed Graham was earning some big tom but 75K a month. That is awesome. He has a great concept and puts out some wonderful content. And make no mistake, he has worked his butt off since losing his job in 2007. I was a member of his dueling mixes for a while and found it very worthwhile.

I am definitely what my friend Cuzzie would call "Miracle Ready". I am still continuing full steam ahead with my music (am even thinking about doing 50/90 for my sins. ha ha) just going to be spending less hours on it.

The main problem with music is that there are so many thousands of talented youngsters doing what I am doing. You just have to hang around on Periscope and see the depth of talent in that small microcosm. Last night we streamed 40 artists back-to-back for 9 hours on Periscope (between 10 - 15 minutes was allocated to each artist). And nearly everyone I watched was talented and fantastic.

So, getting it right once is a little like winning the lottery. But hey, you gotta buy a ticket to stand a chance of winning the lotto, right? laugh

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