Remember too.... that ASIO is a one application driver. Which ever application you open first that uses ASIO will grab it and nothing else will be able to use ASIO until you close that first application.

As a result, I open Sonar first and let it grab the ASIO driver. BB & RB will run but they will use the MME driver. Using the real track styles in BB/RB, I have no issues whatsoever when they run on MME.

There's supposed to be a new version of a multiple client ASIO coming out, and people talk about it, but I have not found it yet. Supposedly, that will solve a number of problems.

Working with audio should be pretty flawless with both MME and ASIO. It is for my system. So, double check the buffers and latency settings in MME and ASIO. Move them around and see if you can get something that is workable.

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.