Hi Atze,

Thank you so much for your positive comments.
I made the NAIAD come to life by using the face of another naiad on another painting of John William Waterhouse, that resembled her very much. The arm is from a completely different painting by a different painter (don't remember which one, Google found it for me).
These changes can best be seen when you watch the video full screen on YouTube.
After I made a cut out of The Naiad and made her come forward, I had to "paint" the gap she left on the painting. I made tons of cut outs on different spots of the painting and pasted them on the place the Naiad originally stood. So it was filled by Waterhouse's paint and strikes, only without him knowing and on places he didn't mean to paint trees, water and grass grin

Glad you like it!


We are Rob Meulman and Anne-Marie Bovenkamp from The Netherlands.
