I am using RealBand 2016 (3) on Windows 10.

I have purchased and installed the Coyote Electronics ForteDXi synth.

I am using an M-Audio KeyRig 25 MIDI controller.

I have searched and search but found an answer to my question.

I need a step-by-step guide for configuring the ForteDXi synth.

I have been successful at:

- Getting audio from MIDI controller when I press a key - but the sound I hear is the crappy, generic piano sound that comes with Windows.

- I can record a MIDI track and play it back. When I play it back, I can change the sound and select a different sound. (However, I cannot hear this sound when I am actually playing the keyboard - I only hear the generic Microsoft piano.)


a. How do I configure the system so I can hear the sound I want while I am playing the MIDI controller?

b. Is there a guide on best practices, a quickstart, or anything like that for this set up - I am assuming that there are a lot of people who have this exact same setup and may be struggling with the configuration.

I'll be grateful for any guidance you can provide.


Hugh Heinsohn