Originally Posted By: rayc
You've achieved your aim.
I did note that the male vocal is a little subordinated by the female - the female cuts through the mix more. The male voice, a little smokier and rounded, sits back just a little. Maybe a little EQ, a slightly wider panning or, shock horror but useful to cut through a mix, a touch of BBE sonic maximiser?
fabulous stuff regardless of my quibbling.

Hi, Ray. I can hear that - at times. It sort of "comes and goes" for me - and it depends on where my mind/hearing is focused at the time. This was intended to be a true duet sound - equal weight to the lead and the harmony to the point of having them intermingle to some degree and virtually trade off which is actually the lead (subconsciously). That vocal mix is one of the hardest things to achieve (I think) - especially when one of the vocals is your own and the other has such an incredible "personality" as does Janice. Having someone else mix might achieve that balance better (but hard to give up that control). I will visit this again down the road to see where it might land. Thanks for your input - your descriptions resonate for me...

Originally Posted By: PaddyG

Tense, tight, word perfect, with a storyline as true and as
old as love itself. Sung to a ‘great rock beat, ‘what a formula
A 'Top drawer' one Floyd, it thoroughly deserves all the accolades it is, and will still receive.

Paddy G

Thanks, Paddy...

Originally Posted By: 90 dB
fj & Ms. Janice,

Another example of excellence. Enjoyed his one a lot!



We thank you, Bob....