Thanks Pat. 90s Henley "Boys of Summer"-ish is what I was going for exactly--an ambient wash that would accentuate the drums and percussive elements and allow the vox to stand out. It was a very tricky mix to get the sound I wanted.

It is funny you mention inspiration--because when I feel most "inspired" I am not really thinking I am just kind of going with the music, going with the flow. I had verse one and two and then when I was singing it, the idea came to me "we are all immigrants, in a way, we are all strangers at the gate if you think of it"--then the idea came of what would happen when you approach the final gate? Who gets to say whether you are worthy of entering in at that point? Circle back to beginning.


So, that's how it all got connected. So yes, it is an "Immigrant Song." To bad Zep already took that one or I would be all over that like white on rice.

Thanks for the comments!