A lot of my songs have 3-5 choruses, and I have the "vary substyles in middle choruses" checked, so that after once through with the 'a' substyle, it plays the 'b' substyle until the last Chorus. However, most of the time, it seems to be a letdown to go back to the 'a' substyle on the last Chorus, when momentum in the song has been built and I want to keep it going right out to the end of the song. What's a good way to continue the 'b' substyle in the last Chorus? Will I have to modify each song to double the length of the song form (Chorus) and set up repeats on the second copy of the song form, and apply the 'a' substyle to the first (non-repeated) Chorus, and the 'b' substyle to the repeating part?

Also, this may be spitting into the wind, but doesn't the term "Chorus" refer to a specific *part* of a song, and not the whole song form? In BB terminology, it seems to refer to the song form (minus the intro and ending). This has bugged me, but not to the point that I want to quit my resplendent life here in San Diego and go live in Yellowknife, N.W. Territories. :-)


Visit the Elegance Music page on MySpace for samples of my current work.