Originally Posted By: PaddyG

When just the few opening bars says, here comes Tom Adams,, then you know you have carved your niche. The balanced mix you achieve between the music and your vocals is something to be admired.
Good lyrics, well sung. Top notch turn out

Paddy G
Paddy, Thanks for taking the time to say these things. I appreciate it. Tom
Originally Posted By: Charlie Fogle
My gracious, this is a good one. New favorite. I have to agree, your work is getting stronger, writing, production, arranging, it's all top notch -- more commercial and radio ready.

I think loops are your new friend helping along as inspiration.

This is such a good listen.
Charlie, Glad you stopped by as always. Thank You, Tom
Originally Posted By: boehm
Hi Tommy,

again I like everything about this new one.
Especially your voice.
Your guitar work makes your songs unique.
Radio ready!

Guenter, You can always be counted on for your support. Thanks, Tom