Absolutely. The RealTracks are a bit of fun for practicing in my basement, and I use that for some educational things. But for a professional grade production, we need MIDI content.

I often use BIAB MIDI tracks as a bet to start an arrangement of big band music, for example. That content may or may not remain in the finished product, but it extremely valuable for the iterative development of the arrangement.

And for music tracks that will be used in professional settings, I almost always will want to edit the content to some degree and then synthesize it myself using the exact instruments that fit the setting. Somehow it seems that PGMusic doesn't understand MIDI is still a very heavily used standard. As much as I have always loved BIAB, there are many times that we really must use the strengths of several products and MIDI is the only practical way to do that.

I don't personally care whether there is a MIDI-only package. I'll pay for the audio stuff ii I have to, but if you aren't adding any significant MIDI content, there just isn't any reason for me to buy anything.

Last edited by Pumps2; 08/25/16 10:23 AM.

BIAB: 2023 UltraPak
DAWs: StudioOne 5 Pro, Cubase 12 Pro
Audio: Scarlett 18i20
OS: Win10 64-bit CPU: Haswell 4790 Mem: 24 GB Vid: GTX-760Ti
