Guess I'm a bit of the odd man out -- there's ample precedent:) I like the array of options available as buttons on the primary page. The alternative is drilling down through menus or remembering short cut keys. For somebody interested in a quick creation of a few backing tracks I think the routine would come quickly particularly given the huge numbers of styles. From help screens to videos to google there's a lot of quick info on how to accomplish certain tasks. My first version was 2011 and I was able to noodle around and create my first production rather quickly. My DAW (Logic Pro X) may have a more trendy GUI but initially it was much more intimidating and harder to scale down to my needs than BIaB. Logic has a "dumb down" mode but it is not configurable and it kills options that even a newbie would quickly need.

Admittedly I harness only a small percentage of the power of both Logic and BiaB but I find it easier with BiaB to learn new procedures. However as a Mac version beta tester I do get exposure to a lot of BiaB that I don't typically use. It's remarkable how many different ways this program can be used and yield a high quality output. Pardon another ole phart ramble.