Originally Posted By: VideoTrack
What a great collaboration.

Excellent in every way. The guitar work is really way up there, Janice's vocals are rich and deliver the song perfectly.

Glad you liked it and thanks for listening and commenting.


Originally Posted By: receder
Hi Janice and Bud,

Another great song! Moody, plaintive and sultry all in the right measures.
I listened to this on Soundcloud before you posted it here so was lucky enough to get a sneak preview.

Highlights :-
- Lyrical imagery
- Overall production and open sound
- Tom's guitar
- The extra oomph added by the Cajon in the chorus
- No pronouns - adds to the "mystery" i.e. we don't know who Janice is singing about.

Loved it,

Reading something like this makes it all worthwhile. Thank you....big time!!