Originally Posted By: Pauline - PG Music
Hi Janice & Bud,

Great tune! The vocals and guitar are wonderful! Janice I love your process for writing without pronouns. I'm going to give that one a try! I would like to hear a little more reverb as well on your voice; I'm liking the tune as is but it would be interesting to hear a comparison. Thanks for sharing.

PG Music Team

Thanks Pauline for listening and commenting. Unlike SoundCloud YouTube will not let you replace a file once it has been uploaded...so if I were to change the video by adding a new soundtrack I would have to create a new youtube upload (new IRL) and essentially start all over by regenerating the movie and uploading -- and losing the current link and all the viewer data. But I will change the reverb a bit and upload it to SoundCloud. Thanks for your observations!