Hi Joanne,

I think iPad-type technology is cool, and could be used liberally for those "wedding" type gigs as you mentioned. (Others here have covered that enough.) But then there is the other kind of gig, the gig that makes your jaw drop. I remember a series I played outside of Phoenix in the middle of the desert some years back where Noe Venable showed up.

She just walked on stage in a petticoat and black railroad boots from San Francisco with an old Martin, didn't even say hi, just walked up the mic and sang for an hour and left everyone in a total state of awe. I literally had no words. It was an hour of sheer stunning memorized genius delivered with the force of an exploding comet. One woman. One guitar. One mic. Then she just walked off and disappeared in a thunder of applause.

That's the kind of stuff I live for when I attend a show--all originals that just blow you away. Those that say "I came here to conquer and take no prisoners. Just sit still and listen."

Here is a link one one of her tunes. You should check out her stuff. I think you will like her. Summer Storm Journals is an album you would probably love. She plays the drums with her mouth as a human beatbox on some songs. The mixing is incredible and all basically acoustic and done at home.


I ended up being a backer of her last album and she sent me an oyster shell with the lyrics "What kind of creature shall I be?" written in her handwriting. I keep it in sight on my desk when I am writing lyrics. It's my magical talisman.
